The Australian software development landscape is undergoing a revolution. And amidst this revolution, cloud-native development is emerging as the new standard for building scalable, resilient applications. Now, to capitalize on the increasing pace of cloud technology, businesses are partnering with cloud consulting companies in order to build custom cloud-native mobile apps that cater to their business needs. Cloud consulting is not just a buzzword today! It’s about empowering Australian businesses to thrive in today’s competitive digital world with cloud solutions that help businesses achieve ROI. You might be wondering what cloud-native development means. Well, cloud native applications are primarily scalable applications that are built to reside and function in a cloud environment. Why is cloud-native development such a game-changer? Let’s dive in and explore the reasons why it’s the future of application development in Australia.

Cloud Native App Development: An Overview

In short, cloud-native application development is a modern approach to building scalable, resilient, and maintainable software systems. You can leverage cloud computing technologies and principles such as containerization, microservices, and DevOps to create applications for your business. It not only fulfils your business requirements but also helps with scalability and delivers consistent performance. In Australia, where the cloud computing market is rapidly growing, cloud-native development has become a crucial strategy for businesses looking to stay competitive and innovative in the digital landscape.

Native Apps Vs. Cloud-Native Apps

Native applications are software programs designed to run on a specific operating system or device. However, cloud-native applications are designed to run in the cloud. You can expect better scalability, flexibility, and resilience from cloud computing platforms. These apps are built using modern architectures like microservices, which break down the application into smaller, independent services that communicate with each other over APIs. Cloud-native apps are often containerized using technologies like Docker, making them portable and easy to deploy across different environments. 

Native Apps Vs. Cloud-Native Apps

Key Differences

Here are the differences, in brief:

  • Architecture: Native apps usually have a monolithic architecture, while cloud-native apps use a microservices-based architecture.
  • Deployment: Native apps are installed directly on the user’s device, while cloud-native apps are deployed on cloud infrastructure and accessed through the internet.
  • Scalability: Cloud-native apps can scale horizontally by adding more instances of a service. However, native apps are limited by the resources of the user’s device.
  • Flexibility: Cloud-native apps can be deployed on various cloud platforms and can adapt to changing requirements more easily, while native apps are tied to a specific platform.
  • Development and Deployment: Cloud-native development follows agile and DevOps practices, enabling faster release cycles and easier maintenance, while native app development follows traditional software development lifecycles.

These are the basic differences between the two types of app development practices. However, why should you use a cloud-native approach for your business? Let’s find out more reasons:

How Does a Cloud-Native Approach Benefit Australian Businesses?

Here are the main advantages of using cloud-native for app development:

Effortless Scalability

Cloud-native applications are designed to adapt to changing demands. Need to handle a surge in traffic during peak season? Cloud migration services help you scale your app automatically, ensuring smooth operation without IT headaches. This flexibility empowers Australian businesses to grow confidently, knowing their applications can handle high demand.

Built for the Australian Market

Latency is a big concern for Australian users accessing applications hosted overseas. Cloud-native development allows businesses to leverage distributed cloud services, placing applications closer to users across the country. It means faster loading times, a smoother user experience, and a competitive edge for Australian businesses.

Also Read, Architecting Applications on Cloud: 5 Essential Considerations

Cost Efficiency with Pay-as-you-go Model

You may seek the help of cloud consulting services to build your app on the cloud, which eliminates the upfront costs of hardware and infrastructure management. Moreover, you can only pay for the resources you use. It leads to significant cost savings. It frees up valuable resources for Australian companies to invest in innovation and further development.

Case Studies: Australian Business Canva Soaring with Cloud-Native

In Australia, companies across industries are embracing cloud migration services for scalable, agile applications that deliver a competitive edge. One of the prominent examples is Canva. Faced with a rapidly growing user base and the need to deliver a seamless design experience across devices, Canva adopted a microservices architecture on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This allowed them to break down their application into independent, scalable services.

Imagine millions of users simultaneously creating designs. Traditional infrastructure might buckle under the pressure. However, Canva’s cloud-native approach allows them to scale resources up and down automatically based on real-time traffic. It provides a better user experience, even during peak hours. 

Moreover, the microservices architecture empowers Canva to continuously innovate and deploy new features without impacting existing functionalities. This rapid development cycle keeps Canva at the forefront of the design software industry.

3 Key Challenges of Cloud Native App Development and How to Fix Them

Yes, there are many benefits, but the migration process is not easy! You need to seek cloud consulting expert assistance to avoid the following challenges:

Challenge 1: Data Privacy and Cloud Security Services

One of the primary concerns in cloud-native development is securing containerised applications and microservices. You must ensure compliance with industry regulations and data privacy laws, such as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Besides that, you need to address cyber threats in a distributed cloud environment. For this, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • Implement a shared responsibility model for security between the organisation and cloud providers.
  • Leverage cloud security services for better protection.
  • You must create robust identity and access management (IAM) policies.

Challenge 2: Data Management

Handling large volumes of data can be overwhelming! You must maintain data integrity, availability, and portability across cloud platforms. Here are a few suggestions to avoid such issues:

  • Utilise cloud-native data services and storage solutions for scalability and resilience.
  • Implement data replication, backup, and disaster recovery strategies.

Read More, 7 Common Private Cloud Security Challenges and Risks

Challenge 3: Vendor Lock-in

Avoid over-reliance on a single cloud provider because you need to maintain flexibility. Always avoid being locked into a specific platform. You must have the ability to migrate between cloud platforms as needed. Indeed, you can avoid this challenge by using the following methods:

  • Adopt a hybrid cloud strategy to avoid vendor lock-in.
  • Use open-source and cloud-agnostic technologies to maintain portability.
  • Develop a robust cloud migration and application modernisation plan.

So, address these challenges and adopt the recommended best practices to launch your app on the cloud platform. 

The Future is Cloud-Native: A Bright Outlook for Australian Software Development

Cloud-native development, with its emphasis on scalability, agility, and security, is becoming the most popular option for developers and business owners. Australian businesses can unlock a world of possibilities, from delivering exceptional customer experiences to achieving significant cost savings. The future of Australian software development is bright, and it’s firmly rooted in the cloud. So, are you ready to join the cloud-native revolution and take your applications to the next level? Consult with our cloud migration services and get personalised recommendations for your enterprise. At Copper Digital, we go beyond mere app creation; we specialise in crafting distinctive brand identities. Our team of visionary experts crafts compelling business applications that resonate with your target audience, establishing a strong foothold in your industry.