Digital Transformation in the Middle East: Key Challenges and Solutions

Digital Transformation in Middle East

The Middle East is experiencing a surge in Digital Transformation as a response to a fiercely competitive global business landscape. This refers to the comprehensive integration of digital technologies across all aspects of a business, fundamentally reshaping how organizations operate and connect with the world. From optimizing internal processes to building services and products that […]

The Rise of AI-driven Fintech in Australia

The rise of AI in fintech

Imagine a world where your bank is as fast and convenient as your favorite food delivery app. No more waiting in line, no more indecipherable financial jargon, just personalized financial guidance at your fingertips. Believe it or not, this future is closer than you think, thanks to the ever-evolving world of AI-driven Fintech and its […]

Introduction to .NET MAUI: A Complete Beginner’s Guide


In today’s competitive landscape, reaching new customers and maximizing your market share hinge on building engaging user-friendly applications. But, developing cross-platform apps that deliver a seamless experience on every device can be costly and time-consuming. Here’s where .NET MAUI steps in. This next-generation framework from Microsoft empowers businesses to create native-quality mobile and desktop applications […]

Latest Android 13 Features You Should Know

Android 13

With over 86.2% of the market share, the dominance of Android OS in the market is well-witnessed. Contemplating the buzz around the latest iOS version – iOS 16, Android earlier this year rolled out the latest Android OS – Android 13 “Tiramisu” for beta testing. It then released the stable version on 15th August 2022 […]

Mobile App Security: A comprehensive guide to secure your apps

Accept terms of mobile app

There are 3.5 billion smartphone users around the world. As mobile users skyrocket, the dependency on mobile applications increases manifolds. Different apps are available for online banking transactions, instant messaging with friends, online shopping, and everything one can think of.  These apps also help businesses gather vital information about their customers like location, preferences, contact […]

How to Enhance User Retention for Your Payment Apps

Payment Apps

The rise of mobile payment technology or payment apps is one of the biggest Fintech trends to impact the brick-and-mortar business in the last few years. The Global M-Commerce revenue is forecasted to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021. 79% of smartphone users have purchased online using their mobile devices in the last six months.  In […]

Community Banks: What you should know in 2022

Banking mobile app with payment gateway

A community bank or a niche bank is a digital bank that caters to a specific market or customer segment. They often have a personalized service portfolio accompanied by targeted marketing, tailored entirely to their customer base. Yet, niche banks or community banks provide banking benefits in the fullest sense. Most of them provide their customers […]

Freemium Vs. Paid- Picking The Right User Acquisition Model

Freemium Vs. Paid Mobile apps

Acquiring new customers and keeping business costs down have an inverse relationship. It isn’t easy to acquire more customers without spending enough money. With customers becoming savvier, they like to know the value they’re getting before making a purchase decision. Thus, a business needs to educate and nurture its customers before convincing them to purchase […]

What is Digital Transformation?

Develop Digital Transformation Mindset

Could you use digital technologies to solve some of your business problems? Digital transformations are a disruption, but they are a necessary one that can propel a business forward. When done correctly, it will fundamentally change both how you operate and how you deliver value to your employees and your customers. It’s time to stop […]