Visual communication is evolving, with consumer-focused businesses already taking advantage of both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. Social media users are very familiar with sharing photos of themselves, augmented by face filters. Now, consumers shopping for new furniture for their living rooms can visualize how a new sofa, television console, or rug will look in their home without ever leaving the house. AR and VR applications are allowing users to move themselves to a completely new environment through headsets, tablets, smartphones, wearables, and consoles. While each type of device provides a different level of experience, these technologies are already changing gaming, entertainment, and travel communication, and this is just the beginning. By leveraging AR/VR technology, soon businesses will be able to deliver immersive experiences.

Using AR/VR Apps for Workplace Communication  

Immersive technologies like AR and VR apps are poised to change the way teams learn, interact, and communicate. Instead of conference calls, teams will be able to participate in virtual conferences, with colleagues joining in from across various locations. These team members will have the opportunity to research, connect, and collaborate for work-related tasks in real-time in a fully-interactive VR space.

These virtual conferences are just the tip of the iceberg in how businesses will be able to leverage AR and VR technologies when it comes to communication. Employees aren’t always at their desks, making communication through mobile devices a priority to business leaders. The future of AR and VR apps points to communicating with employees on the go through mobile applications, with businesses being able to customize the types of communication that will be most beneficial to their business and their employees. Through custom mobile apps, businesses will have the ability to produce internal-communications messages that unlock or is activated as employees move through buildings. For example, employees heading to a training session could receive a notification through the AR app reminding them of topics and corresponding room numbers. Rather than location-based, a business may choose to develop an app where notifications are pushed out based on the time of day, reminding employees of time-sensitive tasks that are due for completion.

What is the future of AR/VR Apps?

While games are still the primary driver, there has been pronounced growth in a number of fields, including education. Look to see business, government agencies, and non-profits, creating internally-focused experiences.

AR/VR Apps for Businesses

Current AR and VR apps transform the world around us, adding elements from the virtual world, and providing usefulness to our daily lives. Consumer-based businesses have created apps that allow consumers to try on clothes, check out a car’s features, or hang artwork on their walls through virtual showrooms. Real estate agents are beginning to virtually show homes to potential buyers, and while looking at homes, potential buyers can even check out the surrounding neighborhood, shops, and schools.

How digital transformation can grow your business?

AR and VR technologies evoke a stronger connection with users than traditional mediums. In the future, businesses will be able to use these technologies to dive deeper into data, showcase immersive storytelling, and create immediacy in delivering internal communications. However, in order to take advantage of these new ways to communicate in the workplace, app designers will need to focus on engineering visuals that are engaging.

Copper Mobile will work with you to harness the power of mobile to help solve your business problems. Get started by scheduling a discovery session with one of our engineers.

Key Takeaways

  • Businesses will be able to deliver immersive experiences through AR/VR apps.
  • AR and VR apps will change the way teams learn, interact, and communicate.
  • AR/VR apps will be able to transform the world around us, adding elements from the virtual world, and providing usefulness to our daily lives.