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Everything’s more prominent in the enterprise. The problems are larger and more complex, the stakes are higher, and the spoils for seizing opportunities are outsized.

Higher risk leads to more significant rewards. Enterprise problems and ensuing solutions might not always be sexy, but they’re almost always necessary and incredibly lucrative for the enterprising enterprise.
At Copper Mobile, we made a conscious choice to forego many “sexy” opportunities in the consumer app market to focus on what mattered to us — helping enterprise clients solve their business problems through mobile power.

For us, making games or other flash-in-the-pan apps didn’t hold the appeal a well-conceived, well-executed enterprise app did. The thought of working side-by-side with our clients to overcome a difficult problem and build an app that could turn a liability into an advantage was all we could hope for as a company. As clichéd as it might sound, we at Copper Mobile are genuinely obsessed with client success. We know what it feels like to be clients who are expertly serviced by a partner who sincerely cares. And we know how rewarding it is to be that partner who can help a company achieve all it set out to make.

That’s what we strive to do in every client engagement; that’s the foundation upon which we’ve built our company — partnership.
My co-Founder and I conceived of this company as a vehicle to help the companies we respected adjust and adapt to a new technological reality. We wanted to partner with firms well regarded in their industries and help them take the next step into the 21st century.

Technology, mobile, in particular, is an ever-evolving industry. Consumer preferences change on a dime, and even the most ardent companies can’t always keep up. Even for the largest and most successful companies, mobile often changes too quickly for those companies to stay on top of it. That’s where we wanted to be — the mobile enterprise experts helping those companies remain at the top of their games.

That’s what we strive every day to achieve. Great companies shouldn’t be left in the dust because they don’t employ an entire in-house mobile team. Small companies with big ideas shouldn’t be barred from competition because they can’t afford to hire a whole mobile department.

Great companies with big ideas should be successful in the mobile age. We exist as a company to ensure that they do.

We chose enterprise over everything else because we love making business better. Imagine what we could do for you.