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    App Development

    Mobile Industry

    Created On

    February 5, 2014

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    Bring your Own Device: Challenges and Benefits

    In a world where we use our phones for so much more than just work, employees are getting more opinionated about which devices their companies supply. Some are even demanding the freedom to choose which type of phone they would like to use regardless of their companies affiliations or preferences.

    In this ebook we will explain both the challenges and benefits of BYOD (“Bring your Own Device”) that should be considered when trying to decide whether BYOD is right for your company or not. We’ll talk about:

    • Why computers and phones are different in regards to IT decisions
    • The downsides of BYOD:
      • IT implementation difficulties
      • Potential security issues
      • Staff growth
    • The upside of BYOD
      • Happier, more efficient employees
      • Potential cost savings
      • Potential for IT time savings
    • AND, the most important thing to consider if you’re going BYOD

    Fill out the form to the right to download our ebook and learn whether BYOD makes sense for you