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    What is 7 + 3 ?


    Application Development

    Mobile Industry

    Created On

    March 12, 2014

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    Show Me The Money

    As mobile apps become more integrated into the enterprise landscape, it’s no surprise that sales applications have come to the forefront of corporation’s revenue strategies. As you will see in this eBook, the right mobile sales strategy can increase ROI and improve bottom lines by 25 percent or more.

    In “Show Me The Money,” we’ll cover:
    The “why” of building a sales app
    What you need to think about before building one
    The three purposes of sales apps
    App features you need to consider
    Four barriers to adoption and how to overcome them
    And, how to select the correct development partner

    Don’t leave money on the table — enter your information to the right and download our newest eBook; it will help you understand how the right mobile sales strategy can help your business.