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    Mobile Industry

    Created On

    October 2, 2013

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    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Mobile App Development Company

    By now you understand, or at least have some idea of, the power mobile apps can have for corporations. Like the title suggests, though, you may not know where to get started even after you’ve come to this realization.

    That’s where we come in.

    We bring a unique perspective to this issue, having sat across the table from hundreds of prospective clients, all wanting an app that makes business sense. We can always tell which companies know the right questions to ask, which ones have done their research, and which ones have no idea what they’re doing. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the first step to being a more effective consumer is knowledge. This guide will provide you with a solid understanding of the questions you need to be asking and the things you ought to notice so that you can get the most out of your app developer selection process.

    In this ebook, we cover:

    • Beginning the developer search
    • Website analysis
    • Your ideal working relationship
    • The in-person pitch meetings
    • The importance of reference requests
    • Paid discovery & whether or not your company needs one
    • Pricing
    • The X Factor

    We hope this eBook will serve you well. To download your copy, please fill out the form to the right.