If you have been doing business with your website or mobile application, you would have experienced a hard fact. Only a tiny percentage of visitors take the desired action on your page, even though you might have spent hours optimizing it. A high bounce rate coupled with a low conversion rate means that you are losing business every minute or maybe every second! As a business owner, you should keep abreast of the latest design trends so that your website or mobile app looks modern and updated. Here are a few of the latest trends in UX design that can go a long way in encouraging your visitors to get more engaged:
Design For A Conversation
With the inclusion of artificial intelligence into mobile apps, there is an increasing demand for designers who can design a chatbot for conversation. And it isn’t as simple as it might seem initially. For starters, conversation design is all about teaching computers how to communicate with humans, like humans! And communication can include everything, such as Voice User Interfaces, typing, swiping, and tapping, because they are how a chatbot is expected to answer questions.
Therefore, the interface designer must think like an architect and plan out what the users are likely to do on the screen, keeping their needs and constraints in mind. The designer needs to curate conversation and define its flow to be taken to a logical conclusion through an underlying logic. A healthy and cooperative association with developers is also required to bring the designs to life.

Gestures Are The In-Thing
As mobile phones become cramped with features and applications, there is a sort of space constraint inputting buttons for everything. That is where gestures come into the picture, quite literally! They help in freeing up additional space by eliminating buttons. Besides, a gesture-based design makes content increasingly visible and attractive to the user. Therefore, it is expected that more and more hand gestures will be digitized shortly.
Draw Attention Through Videos
For quite some time now, videos have been the most effective method to draw attention to the content on the site. The new trend in user interface design is to use videos to the maximum extent, i.e., full screen. Full-screen videos with graphics are an excellent means to do some storytelling and engage the audience better. When accompanied by perfect typography, the results can be perfect for conveying a brand message or encouraging them to take action.
Illustrate Your Point Well
Designers sometimes feel limited by the photographic images that are typically used for putting across a brand image or concept. Illustrations are excellent in conveying the message in a simple yet effective way. They impart a sense of originality to the page and help the user identify it as distinct from others. Some designs look good when a subtle line-based illustration is used, while others look good when bright colors are used.
Create Some Magic On Screen
When you want to awe the users with some magical effects on-screen, create a parallax image and list view. It gives good depth to the screen when users are scrolling. As a result of the impact, the foreground moves faster than the background and gives a beautiful sliding effect when scrolling. It helps in better engagement of users and provides an excellent opportunity to impress them with your brand. However, other things must also be considered, such as loading speed and mobile-friendliness before you decide to go parallax.
Speaking generally, design excellence is about making an incredibly intuitive website or application or any other digital asset where you receive and display the desired information. Without a doubt, business owners are always looking to improve the UX design of the website or app because they know that that is the surest way of increasing sales volumes.
It is well known that customers payback to a website or app that gives them good experience and usability. Therefore, a successful user interface design is one in which users are not immediately looking for the “back” button to find something better!